
منوی بالا

منوی اصلی

دسترسی سریع

اخبار سایت

ویژه های خبری

امروز : سه شنبه, ۱۴ اسفند , ۱۴۰۳

tejaratgardn – As reported, the country’s renewable power plants have so far generated about 4.171 billion kilowatt hours (Kwh) of electricity, preventing the production of over 2.871 million tons of greenhouse gases.

Renewable power plants have also prevented the use of more than 1.185 billion cubic meters of fossil fuels and saved 918 million liters of water.

Based on the data provided by PAVEN, a total of 115 renewable power plants are active across Iran as of August 2019 and the construction is ongoing for another 37 plants to supply an extra 384 megawatts of renewables to the national power grid.

So far, 3,403 small-scale solar power plants have also been installed across the country, while another 2,500 units are under construction. 

According to the report, currently renewable power plants have created 43,450 job opportunities across the country and the volume of private investment in this sector has exceeded 124 trillion rials (over $2.95 billion).

The data provided indicated that 41 percent of the country’s renewable power plants are solar, 36 percent wind, 10 percent are small hydro power plants, two percent are thermal recycling and expansion turbines, and one percent are biomass.

Renewables, including hydropower, account for just six percent of the country’s total energy generation, versus natural gas’ ۹۰ percent share.

Overall, in the next five years, Iran is aiming for a 5,000 MW increase in renewable capacity to meet growing domestic demand and expand its presence in the regional electricity market.

According to Iran’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization (known as SATBA), the number of small scale solar power plants across the country which are used by households or small industries is being increased noticeably as Iranian households and small industries have embraced the new technology with open arms and investors also seem eager for more contribution in this area.

In early July, Seyed Mohammad Sadeqzadeh, the head of SATBA, announced that Iran plans to add electricity generated from renewable sources to its export backset.

According to the official the capacity of power generation from the renewable sources will exceed 1000MW by the end of the current Iranian year (March 19, 2020).

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