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امروز : شنبه, ۶ مرداد , ۱۴۰۳

به گزارش تجارت گردان به نقل از ایرنا، آیت‌الله سیدابراهیم رئیسی رئیس جمهور صبح امروز - دوشنبه - در جریان نظارت ستادی بر معاونت علمی، فناوری و اقتصاد دانش‌بنیان ریاست جمهوری، از نمایشگاه محصولات دانش‌بنیان «خانه نوآوری و فناوری ایران (iHiT)» که در محل نمایشگاه بین‌المللی تهران‌ به عنوان شعبه مرکزی خانه‌های نوآوری و فناوری در کشورهای هدف صادراتی مستقر است، بازدید کرد. رئیس جمهور در این بازدید با تاکید بر اهمیت نقش ...

به گزارش تجارت گردان به نقل از ایکوپرس- مهدی خطیبی در نشست با شهردار تهران، با تاکید بر این‌که با راه‌اندازی شرکت تاکسی‌رانی ایران خودرو، بهترین محصولات و خدمات را به مردم ارایه خواهیم کرد، گفت: در صورت راه اندازی شرکت تاکسی‌رانی فقط خودرهای اتوماتیک عرضه خواهد شد و در ادامه نیز با ایجاد زیرساخت‌های لازم، خودروهای برقی را وارد ناوگان خواهیم کرد.وی گفت: در چهار دهه اخیر تولید خودرو با کسری قطعه به عنوان یک باور غلط در ...

 به گزارش تجارت گردان به نقل از ایرنا، در آستانه ایام سالروز ولادت حضرت زهرا سلام‌الله علیها، جمعی از بانوان فرهیخته، مادران برگزیده و فعالان عرصه‌های فرهنگی، اجتماعی و علمی، صبح امروز (چهارشنبه) با حضرت آیت‌الله خامنه‌ای دیدار کردند. رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی در دیدار صدها تن از زنان فرهیخته و فعال در عرصه‌های فرهنگی، اجتماعی و علمی، با تبیین نگاه مترقی و عادلانه اسلام به «زن» در عرصه‌های «جنسیتی و انسانی - حقوقی و ...

14 شهریور 1401

مدیرعامل ایران خودرو گفت: عرضه خودرو در بورس کالا باعث رفع مشکلات این شرکت درزمینه فروش و قیمت‌گذاری شده است. همچنین قائم مقام توسعه و تولید گروه صنعتی ایران خودرو از فروش دیگر محصول‌های این شرکت از طریق سازوکار بورس کالا خبر داد.

حکم حمید نوری را نمی‌پذیریم/ شش سال حبس برای جعفرپناهی/وضعیت پرونده تاج زاده و سیف و عراقچی
28 تیر 1401

سخنگوی قوه قضاییه گفت: حکم صادره علیه حمید نوری ناعادلانه است و ما آن را نمی پذیریم.

DJ Khaled & Megan Fox to Face-off in Epic Live Gaming Battle to Kick Off LG’s Only on OLED Campaign
22 اردیبهشت 1400

Only On OLED Campaign Will Feature Exclusive Content Experiences Across Movies, Sports and Gaming

Nowruz Message of Hamidreza Azimian CEO of Mobarakeh Steel Company
01 فروردین 1400

The production of 7 million tons of slabs in the Mobarakeh steel plant and 10 million tons of crude steel in Mobarakeh Steel Group is a long-standing dream that came true in “The Year of Boosting Production”.

Iِranian Defense Ministry produces test kit able to detect Covid-19 with high accuracy
11 فروردین 1399

TEHRAN – The Iranian Defense Ministry on Monday unveiled a new generation of test kits that can detect the Covid-19 in three hours with 98 percent accuracy, Mehr reported.

Zarif: U.S. decorates failure in Afghanistan as victory
12 اسفند 1398

TEHRAN- Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, in his Twitter account on Sunday, wrote that the U.S. has lost the war in Afghanistan but tries to hide it by resorting to media hue and cry.

Drilling Company International Limited (DCI) to expand its fleet
05 اسفند 1398

The CEO of Drilling International Limited, Dr. Hamid Reza Saghafi, announced the company’s plan to expand its offshore drilling fleet.

09 آذر 1398

Iran's Health Minister Saeed Namaki in separate letters to the United Nations (UN) chief and the heads of two of its affiliated organizations, WHO and UNICEF, called on the international community not be silent against anti-Iran cruel sanctions.

06 آبان 1398

Iraqi state television has aired footage of what it said was a raid in Syria that reportedly killed Daesh leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

06 آبان 1398

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif blasted the new US anti-Iran regulations, saying that they aggravate economic terrorism against ordinary Iranians

20 مهر 1398

Iran's police chief Brigadier General Hossein Ashtari said on Saturday that about two million pilgrims have arrived in Iraq through the four Iranian border points to participate in the ceremony of Arbaeen on October 19.

20 مهر 1398

In what Tehran calls a "dangerous adventure", two separate explosions, possibly caused by missile attacks, hit an Iranian oil tanker operated by the National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC) near the Saudi port city of Jeddah.

18 مهر 1398

Leader of the Islamic Revolution said in remarks on Wednesday that although Iran was able to build nuclear weapons it did not do so because according to Islamic sharia it is absolutely banned and there is no reason to waste money for production and stockpile of such weapons.

15 مهر 1398

Spokesman for Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi said Tehran will take next steps regarding reducing nuclear commitments if other sides don’t implement their commitments under Iran’s nuclear deal.

13 مهر 1398

Iran’s Sara Bahmanyar defeated all her rivals to advance to the final game of World Karate League 2019 underway in Russia.

10 مهر 1398

Commander of Iran's General Staff of the Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Bagheri said on Wednesday that Iran is very interested in maintaining the security of the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz and strongly avoids any conflict with any country in any part of the world.

10 مهر 1398

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi on Wednesday slammed NATO secretary general's interventionist remarks, saying that aliens' intervention in regional security will lead to insecurity and mounting tensions.

10 مهر 1398

Iran's minister of energy said on Wednesday that the country has a three-year period to change its temporary membership in Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) to a permanent one.

US uses oil, gas as a weapon’: Iran’s oil minister
10 مهر 1398

Iran’s oil minister criticized the US on Wednesday for using oil and gas as a raw material weapon against the Iranian nation.

10 مهر 1398

The memorial postage stamp 'The Symbol of Peace' marking the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi was unveiled in Tehran, Iran on October 2.

Iran’s leader says US ‘maximum pressure’ has failed
10 مهر 1398

Iran's leader said on Wednesday that the US so-called "maximum pressure" strategy has already failed and backfired with "more problems" for the country itself.

10 مهر 1398

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani arrived in Tehran late on Tuesday after he wrapped up his visit to Yerevan which hosted the Eurasia Economic Union Summit.

10 مهر 1398

Iranian national volleyball team suffered a setback in 2019 FIVB Volleyball Men's World Cup which is underway in Japan when it was hit by Egypt after Russia.